AquaShield™ DDS
Underwater Diver Detection Sonar System
AquaShield™ DDS
Underwater Diver Detection Sonar System
AquaShield™ DDS
Underwater Diver Detection Sonar System
AquaShield is an advanced Diver Detection Sonar (DDS) system, based on the accumulated knowledge gained through continuous operation at multiple sites around the world. The fully automated system protects critical sites from underwater intrusions including divers of all kinds, Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs), and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs). Equipped with medium-frequency active sonar, AquaShield provides the inherent advantages of advanced algorithms (AI, ML, image processing), delivering tactical protection through automatic detection, tracking, and classification of underwater targets.
Offering the longest available detection range and enabling extended response time against even the fastest-moving underwater threats, AquaShield protects naval bases, energy terminals, SPMs (Single Point Moorings), commercial ports, offshore platforms, and any other high-value assets.
The unique modular design enables tailoring of the system to specific customer requirements and site geography. Providing unprecedented operational capabilities in harsh environments saturated with hundreds of suspected targets, AquaShield handles over 500 contacts simultaneously with a very low false alarm rate. The combination of a fully automatic mode of operation, very low maintenance requirements, and high system reliability creates an exceptionally cost-effective system that enables protection of large areas with fewer underwater nodes and reduced installation and maintenance costs.
SeaShield™ – A Powerful Long-Range Underwater Coastal Surveillance System
SeaShield™ is a coastal domain awareness sonar. The system provides underwater long-range, real-time coastal surveillance Solutions, delivering comprehensive situational awareness of the underwater domain.
The company offers systems which accurately measure the radiated noise of ships and submarines while maintaining the vessel’s low noise signature.
SeaShield™ – A Powerful Long-Range Underwater Coastal Surveillance System
SeaShield™ is a coastal domain awareness sonar. The system provides underwater long-range, real-time coastal surveillance Solutions, delivering comprehensive situational awareness of the underwater domain.